Bring Hope Hits Project Milestone
Submits First Quality Assurance Evaluation Report
On May 5,2023, Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation submitted the first interim quality assurance evaluation report for its 'History Box project. The report, which covers the first six months of the project implementation, is one of the significant milestones of the project aimed at maintaining high standards for its processes, deliverables, and outputs.
The History Box Project is a two-year project representing a paradigm shift in fostering a deeper understanding of host countries' history among refugees and migrants through practical learning toolkits. The learning toolkits the project seeks to develop are ready-to-use micro-learning units that adult educators can easily integrate into language courses and other integration courses to help refugees and migrants understand critical aspects of their host country's history.
This project is implemented by five organizations working in a consortium to develop learning toolkits to support refugees and migrants in five European countries.The History Box policy is a product of a collaborative effort of the consortium to document specific policies and best practices of each participating country.
The partners implementing the project include program lead KMOP (Belgium), deBierater (Austria), CESIE (Italy), Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation (Sweden), and INCOMA (Spain).
To ensure the quality of the project implementation, Bring Hope leads the quality assurance strategy overseeing quality strategy development, monitoring, and internal evaluation in close coordination with all partners. In November 2023, Bring Hope is expected to deliver the mid-year quality assurance evaluation report in line with the project objectives.
The History Box project is a two-year project co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme and implemented in five European countries and seeks to help refugees and migrants to understand the history of their host country to foster easier integration.