Clothes and Winter Fabrics for Debaga Camp

July 9, 2024
March 3, 2025

#BHHFUpdates: Distribution of clothes and winter fabrics at the Debaga Camp #Erbil#Iraqi-Kurdistan

On 14th October 2021, Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation successfully distributed clothing items and fabric for over 370 children and adults at the Debaga camp. The clothes are necessary to ensure that the camp residents are able to comfortably manage the harsh weather conditions through the upcoming winter months, and the fabric was requested for sewing purposes, whereby the residents are enabled to self sufficiently create any necessary attire such as scarves or other basic winter necessities.

🕊  Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation is continuously committed to striving towards the improvement of the living conditions of IDP’s and their families residing in the camps. So, if you wish to know more about us and support our efforts, please visit our website ➔

3.1 million

People in need helped across the globe

$149 million

Worth of goods distributed across the world

394 loads

Of humanitarian aid shipped across the globe

14.5 million

Treatments and hygiene items delivered

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