International Peace Day

July 9, 2024
March 3, 2025

Today is the #InternationalPeaceDay - A UN-sanctioned holiday with the purpose to recognize and encourage the efforts made all over the world to end conflict and promote peace.

Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation strives to have an extensive role in the promotion of peace and harmony. To commemorate international peace day, our founder and chairman, Dr. Mariwan Baker, gave a memorable presentation, on the International Day of Peace in 2019 (, addressing the series of wars, rebellions, and conflicts within Iraqi-Kurdistan that prevailed since 2003. The impact has resulted in countless Internally Displaced Persons within the region. As a result, he concluded with the importance of maintaining peace in the conflict zones and the need to bringing harmony back to the life of the most vulnerable groups that have been affected.

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We thank you for your continuous support in spreading our message to #BringHope and encouraging our humanitarian-aid item distribution activities and programs on the ground through your generous donations.

๐Ÿ•Š If youโ€™re interested in knowing more about our projects and activities and would like to support our efforts, please visit our website โž”

3.1 million

People in need helped across the globe

$149 million

Worth of goods distributed across the world

394 loads

Of humanitarian aid shipped across the globe

14.5 million

Treatments and hygiene items delivered

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