Lisa Miara

Founder and President of Springs of Hope Foundation Inc.

USA Springs of Hope Foundation is based near Duhok, in the Kurdish Region of Iraq. We are on the ground as a grassroots foundation living and working within the local Yezidi and Syrian communities.

It was my personal honour to meet Dr. Mariwan Baker, and later his exceptional team, three years ago. I have lived in the region for many years and have never found a man with the ability to transfer his personal integrity, principles, work ethic, and values to all of his staff.

Dr. Mariwan Baker is a living testimony to a life that has risen above the ashes of loss, grief and suffering, and has overcome all that was meant for evil. He has shown that the status of refugees can be temporary and can be turned around. In his life success he has not forgotten his roots. The very opposite is true -- he has taken his past and used it in order to both empower and encourage other refugees and displaced peoples in the region. He is a trailblazer in showing that there is hope and future.

Bring Hope Foundation is the only organisation that I have encountered which is a source of continual and uncompromising generosity, honesty, respect, dignity and efficiency. Bring Hope Foundation constantly works to achieve their mission and goals, and surpass themselves. In this area of ongoing conflict and chaos, they continue to serve all who come to their door. Every request for aid, regardless of the size of the request, is met with graciousness, care and understanding; and goods are given with wide open arms, an unparalleled generosity and gratitude for enabling them to give to others. One feels blessed to be able to ask for help from Bring Hope Foundation.

This is the only organisation in the region that has genuinely and quietly changed and reshaped lives. Without their incredible aid and help, many thousands would be destitute. I have been told time after time, ‘Our storeroom is your storeroom, just come, walk around, whatever you need we will give you.’ These are some of the many strengths of Bring Hope Foundation, a passion to give, to restore the dignity of broken refugees, to break the cycle of lack and to give hope for the future.

It is our honour and privilege to partner with Bring Hope Foundation. We are forever grateful.

Lisa Miara

Founder and President of Springs of Hope Foundation Inc.

3.1 million

People in need helped across the globe

$149 million

Worth of goods distributed across the world

394 loads

Of humanitarian aid shipped across the globe

14.5 million

Treatments and hygiene items delivered

Anyone Can Bring Hope

We believe that anyone can be a Humanitarian! Through our work we provide support to vulnerable communities around the world, and are always looking for more opportunities to do so.

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