Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation has been instrumental in providing a platform for initiatives with intentions of bringing hope and change. Together We Change (TWC) was the initiative that flew under the wings of the Healing Project at Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation.
This initiative had many dimensions to it. We worked separately with youth, children and the elderly as well as conducting Train The Trainer for other aspiring NGOs in Iraq. Since the project was dynamic, the preparations needed to be meticulously planned. It has been a fulfilling experience to have partnered with an efficient, talented, and very professional team at BHHF.
For voluntary work, these qualities determine the impact and success of a project. On-ground support does not end with logistical support. The amount of research and coordination that went on before I arrived was incredible. I remember Ms. Aishwarya Joshi from Dubai was involved throughout the process ensuring time and efforts invested by both parties would leave a significant impact. This approach allowed me the space to focus on what I had to deliver without worrying about anything else.
On-ground preparations were well planned even in challenging conditions at times, and made the project live for its purpose -- adding value and meaning for the desired change. I recall on the first day of Train The Trainer where several NGOs were invited, Dr. Mariwan Baker, Chairman of the BHHF Foundation, arrived for the opening of the project and we realised in spite of the previous day, the audio wasn’t working. Dr. Baker kindly offered assistance to fix it rather than expecting his team to sort it, now this is rare! When the leader himself has a humble presence and is driven by values, they are bound to effortlessly live their purpose to restore dignity for those in desperate need.
It was an inspiring experience to witness how the project was carried out with care and respect, I am privileged to have worked with Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation and I look forward to many more projects in the years to come.
Humanitarian, Life Coach, Yoga Teacher and BH Volunteer