COREcoles (Building Collective Resilience at Schools)

33 months
EURO 400000
Erasmus+ programme (European Union)
France, Italy, Spain and Sweden
Target group
Children between 6 to 12 years old and primary school teachers
Develop the capacity of children and teachers to build resilience, individually and collectively, for coping in different challenging context by creating pedagogical materials, which consist on two handbooks, 45 educational activity cards and 20 educational videos.

The COREcoles (Building Collective Resilience at Schools) project aims to support teachers in their role as catalysts for building resilience: the individual and/or collective ability to cope with and thrive while facing adverse experiences. 

The COREcoles is a project funded by the European Union Erasmus+ programme, and is an alliance between five international non-governmental organisations (NGOs): Élan Interculturel (France), Giolli Cooperativa (Italy), Educo/Comparte and Animacción (Spain) and Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation (Sweden) with experience in non-formal education techniques, artistic mediation (art therapy, forum theatre, theatre of the oppressed), culture of peace and non-violent communication, educational neuroscience, environmental psychology, and constructive hope. 

The aim of the COREcoles project is to provide pedagogical resources for children between the ages of six and twelve that serve as a compass to:

  1. Build individual resilience of children and educators.
  2. Foster collective resilience at and from the schools.
  3. Explore the interplay between digital literacy and resilience building.

These pedagogical resources will arise from the experiential knowledge generated by literature reviews, knowledge exchanges between the different partners of the project, training with educators and practitioners, and international conferences (both online and face-to-face) over the 33 months of the COREcoles project.

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3.1 million

People in need helped across the globe

$149 million

Worth of goods distributed across the world

394 loads

Of humanitarian aid shipped across the globe

14.5 million

Treatments and hygiene items delivered

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